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Why online hotel reviews matter to your business?

by | Jun 16, 2017 | Help and Advice, Industry | 0 comments

Online Hotel Reviews Matter

Consider this. 96% of TripAdvisor users are swayed into booking a property based on the property’s online ratings. Are you willing to risk this amount of potential revenue by ignoring online reviews?

Review websites can have a significant impact on how travellers choose their accommodation. In fact, according to TripAdvisor 83% of users will ‘usually’ or ‘always’ reference reviews before making a booking. More than half (53%) of users don’t book a property that has no reviews. And 1 in 5 users (20%) read more than 11 reviews before making a booking decision.

Knowing how much value guests put in online reviews and reputations, it’s time for you to get serious about managing it well. Here are some top tips on how you can manage your online reviews efficiently.

Seek reviews

If you want your customers to review your property, just ask. As long as you provide an excellent product or service, they won’t be annoyed if you ask for a review. They understand the importance of reviews.

Next, make it easy for your customers to leave reviews. The average guest will not make an effort to look for ways to leave your property a review. So you need to facilitate it for them.

Put direct links to your review profiles in multiple places; for example, a follow-up email, newsletter, and your website.

Set up profiles on multiple sites

Think of all websites your potential guests visit to make travel decisions. Get listed there to encourage reviews. Some common websites are TripAdvisor, Yelp and Google.

Deal with the negative

Respond to reviews, even if they’re negative. 87% of people believe the impression of a hotel improves when they respond appropriately to reviews. Every bad review needs a response and hopefully a solution.

When dealing with negative feedback, don’t take it personally. While it may be tempting to react right away, don’t! Reactive responses from management never look good. Analyse the complaint and understand your guest’s perspective before responding. If it is a false accusation, ask for it to be removed. Always remember, if dealt with appropriately, even negative reviews can be turned into positive ones.

Always be calm and professional

70% of TripAdvisor users agree that an aggressive/defensive management response to a bad review makes them less likely to book that hotel. Accept feedback graciously. Deal with negative feedback professionally.

Seek out improvements from the reviews

A sure-fire way to increase positive reviews is to listen to your guests. What complaints keep coming up? Analyse constructive criticism and make improvements where warranted.

Be timely in responding

Don’t leave responding to reviews for too long. Users may think you don’t care. According to TripAdvisor 4 out of 5 users believe that properties that respond to reviews care more about their guests, increasing the probability of a booking.

It’s OK to incentivise reviews

Sometimes even your happy customers need an incentive to take time out of their busy schedule to write a review. Offering a small incentive is a good way to show your appreciation. You just need to make sure your offer is for writing a review, and not for writing a good review.


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