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Context Menu Improvements

by | Feb 26, 2018 | Dev Log, Updates

There are a number of improvements to the context menu that shows when right-clicking a booking in the calendar. The context menu options are now:

  • Open… Opens an individual booking, even if it is a member of a group.
  • Add Payment… Add a payment to an individual booking.
  • Extend 1 Night Lengthen a booking by one night if space available for next day.
  • Shorten 1 Night Reduce a booking by one night.
  • Unallocate Temporarily remove booking from allocated space to allow shuffling
  • Check In Mark a booking  as Checked In a booking, only available if arrival date is today.
  • Check out Mark a booking as Checked Out, only available if departure date is today.
  • Cancel Cancel a booking, only if no payments have been applied.
  • Delete Delete a booking, only if no payments and no details.

The options available will vary depending on what is appropriate for the booking.

Remember, any questions or problems let us know at support@abodebooking.com

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